Forgive the quality of the pictures as I never realized how difficult it is to use a point and shoot camera with Christmas lights.
Last year Harbour Town decided to up the ante on their decorations and made it a must see place for
a decorated stroll. It is also a place to bring an unwrapped toy, canned good or monetary donation for Deep Well.
While you are in Sea Pines you might also want to drive by South Beach Village (you know, where the Salty Dog is) and check out their Christmas Village and their thousands of twinkling lights and falling snow. And another place that will be interesting is Pineland Station off Hwy 278 where Bluffton artist Richard Coyne has designed a multi-sensory 200 foot winter wonderland with trains, trolley, towns and tunes (they suggest you bring an unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots.)
One of my personal favorites is the Fire Station on 278 right next to the First Presbyteria
As always there are some personal homes that go out of their way to be in the holiday spirit and in a future blog I will center on those with hopefully more stable images! Enjoy the lights of Hilton Head and let us know places we shouldn’t miss.